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McHeffey's Latest Book
"The PHP Manager Is In!"


Solving Sticky People Problems makes the TOP 150+ List of Great Business-Related Inspirational Quotes gathered by the New York Times Best-Selling Author, Carol Roth!

"Managers: Always do the right thing... even when those above you, 
and below you-- do not."
-Tim McHeffey
There are always bosses, and subordinates (whether in the volunteer circles or corporate life) who do not behave ethically, even morally. Doing what ones' gut says is RIGHT, gives an energizing feeling; regardless of what's going on in the environment. Using PHP... purity, humility, and patience-- will bring ones' inner sense into play. You are doing the right thing. And the right result will emerge.
Go here for the full list.

Questions?  Problems?  …call or click anytime!         

Contact Tim McHeffey at Innovative Business Educators (631) 988-9966… or,

 contact over the web   call or click anytime… we‘d love to hear from you!